Sometimes, baking is the answer to all life’s problems. There’s something so therapeutic about baking, right?! Now that we’re coming up on the holidays, it’s a great idea to know some baking substitutes that can make your delicious baked dessert creations effortless.
5 Baking Ingredient Substitute Ideas
Maybe you have allergies or intolerances in your family or simply don’t have an ingredient. Regardless, here are five baking ingredient substitutes that you should know!
Applesauce for Eggs
Eggs are typically used in baking recipes as a binding agent. You will generally find eggs in most baked goods, including cakes, cookies, and frostings. With 2% of children being allergic to eggs and some diets excluding eggs, it’s great to have substitutes handy. Unsweetened applesauce is our favorite egg substitute because it adds texture and can still act as a binder. You can also use mashed banana or flax seeds mixed with warm water. If the egg is used as a leavening agent, you can try an oil mixed with water and baking powder.
Almond Flour for All-Purpose Flour
Around 3.1 million people in the United States are gluten-free. They either have to avoid foods with gluten altogether or find substitutes. Flour is commonly used in baked goods as a raising agent. Regular white, all-purpose flour contains gluten proteins and is not gluten-free. However, there are a lot of gluten-free flour options available. We love using almond flour as a baking substitute for all-purpose flour. A 1:1 ratio can be used (i.e., 1 cup of almond flour = 1 cup of all-purpose flour).
Greek Yogurt for Butter
Butter is rich in fats and is typically used in baked goods to flavor the dish. Are you looking to be more health-conscious with the ingredients in your recipe? Then, we recommend using Greek yogurt. Greek Yogurt contains more carbs, protein, and water, while butter contains more fat and calories. This substitute is also 1:1, so if your recipe calls for 1/2 cup of butter, use 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt as a healthier option.
Mashed Bananas for Oil
Oil provides moisture and texture to baked goods. We don’t know about you, but this is one of the ingredients we magically run out of without even realizing it! Out of oil? Use mashed, ripe bananas. Mashed bananas provide moisture, texture, and flavor to your baked goods. You can substitute margarine, butter, sour cream, or even mayonnaise for oil.
Honey for Sugar
Sugar is added in recipes to add sweetness and flavor to your dish. It also helps keep baked goods soft. However, Nutritionists recommend that Americans get 10% of their calories from sugar, about 13.3 teaspoons per day (based on a 2,000-calorie diet). Currently, the typical American consumes about 22 teaspoons of sugar per day. Honey is an excellent health-conscious, natural substitute for sugar. Honey provides sweetness and flavor while also adding vitamins and minerals. Use a 1:1 ratio when substituting honey for sugar.
Notta Lotta Sugar Baking Mixes
In our Notta Lotta sugar baking mixes, we use a special house blend plant-based sugar replacer in our products that allows 75-85% less sugar than other baking mixes do. This is what makes our mixes so unique and great tasting! We understand the frustrations of dieting while faced with the everyday temptations that scream, “Eat me!” Our Notta Lotta sugar mixes provide tasty food that satisfies cravings and lets you snack guilt-free. Bake your way to better health! Contact us to learn more.